Last year the #birdventurenz took me around the country – north to south, north a bit more, east a bit, south again, and then back up north. It’s a trip I’d wanted to do for years, an adventure I’d promised myself as a reward for finishing my Master’s degree. It was amazing. I’ll treasure those memories forever, along with all the photographs I took along the way.

Settling back in to life in Auckland for my PhD has me thinking wistfully of the adventures of last year… I can’t complain though, I have plenty more planned!
I’ve mapped out my journey with a photo from each of the places I visited. Hopefully I’ll slowly tick off blog posts about all of them! But for now it’s a nice way to explore where I went – although not in any kind of order. My #birdventurenz was less of one large journey and more a collection of smaller adventures interspersed with other work. I never dreamed I’d get as far as the Kermadecs or the Chathams – and though they were both seabird projects, I did manage to take a lot of photographs!
With The Brilliance of Birds coming out mid-September, I’m going to be posting more blogs about the birdventures that made the book – so watch this space!
Read about the Kermadec Adventures Here: Part I, Part II