Stonehenge is difficult to photograph – to visit it you have to stay behind a rope ring that encircles it, and it’s usually absolutely surrounded by tourists. Getting a different perspective on it is nigh on impossible, but I had the goal in the back of my mind nonetheless. There are many spectacular shots of it – at sunrise and sunset, aerial shots, in the snow. Restricted to the time-frame we had to visit it, in the middle of a very hot day, I wasn’t playing with ideal conditions. I think the nicest shot I got was actually on my iPhone, which I posted while I was traveling! It was nice to wander around though.
We went on to Bath, which is a story for another post. We stayed until late – the summer evenings just stretched on and on. Coming home as the sun set was lazy and comfortable. Two things worked together to present me with the opportunity to get a better photo of Stonehenge, from the back of the car. The sun was low and warm, and the traffic had to slow to a stop because of a road-works vehicle. It would have been nice to stop for longer, but I’m quite pleased with it. So there’s my perspective on Stonehenge.