I apologise for the brevity of last week’s post, recovering from having all four of my wisdom teeth extracted and a long car journey left me in a mood that wasn’t conducive to blogging. I’ll try and make up for it with this post.
It seems forever ago that I went to England, and indeed it has been half a year. I still have barely touched photos that I’m intent on processing! I’m doing a bit of a jump forward in time with this post, but I will come back to a few things later on.
London. Both of my visits have been typified by uncharacteristically hot and sunny weather, which has been a treat. This time round we took a tour on our first day that covered the main sights and went up the Eye. That night we went to see the spectacular Les Miserables and wandered through Piccadilly Circus.

Our second day was wandering and exploring. We went to the glittering Harrods, Hyde Park – where I indulged my bird-photographing self, and the Natural History Museum.

We only spent two days there, but I enjoyed them immensely. I’m not usually one for the bustle of cities, but there are a few I make exceptions for, and London is one of them.