Packing and Polaroids

This blog is brought to you by caffeine fuelled checklists and impending departure dates! It’s the last blog before I leave, and I’m spending today writing what will update while I’m away.

The past few weeks have been a mix of work, play, sorting Christmas gifts, and trying to decide what to fit where in my luggage. Balancing the weight of camera gear with other essentials always requires a bit of planning, but I’m nearly ready to fling myself into another adventure.

A weekend at Whangamata as a belated birthday celebration was a fun interlude, and the gift of a Polaroid660 was a great way to chronicle it (thanks George)! My poor x100 was a little neglected. It is a nice change of pace to be very selective about the photos you make – with 8 to a cartridge, you have to make every one count! Here’s the full complement from 2ish days of sun and sea and barbecues!


And here’s a few Fuji photos to round it off.

BeachFeet_20151205-_DSF4741-Edit6x4WEB Smile_20151206-_DSF4816-Edit7x5WEB

This is also a heads up that there won’t be any more Wednesday blogs until I get back! Sunday only until the 13th of January! Wish me luck!


Seabird scientist and conservation photographer working in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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