You’ll notice some changes around here! I’m in the process of transforming this site from a photoblog to a platform on which I can share my life as both a seabird scientist and photographer. Pages will disappear and appear, and hopefully it’ll look shiny and new and interesting once it comes together.
It has been a fantastic year, and also very nice to take a break from regular blogging (sorry). Regular updates will return next year, but they might be a little different from what they have been in the past. I’m no longer keeping my academic and photographic lives seperate, so my website and blog are changing to reflect this. I’m planning on documenting my PhD journey, starting in March, as well as the work I do with the Northern New Zealand Seabird Trust. I’m not sure what form this will take yet, but rest assured there will be plenty of photos.

From Rangitāhua (Kermadec Islands) to Rakiura (Stewart Island) to Rēkohu (Chatham Island), and nearly everywhere in between, the #birdventurenz has been a journey much larger than I anticipated it being. The book that Skye and I are working on will come out next year, featuring photos from this and past adventures around Aotearoa. I’m very excited to share the brilliance of our birds with you all, and will keep you updated as we get nearer the release date!

So the birdventure is over. But it isn’t really. My whole life is a birdventure, both photographically and scientifically. I’m always chasing new knowledge, better images, and a better understanding on birds and the ecosystems they live in. So while I’ve stopped chasing images for the book, I’ve come out of the adventure with plenty of ideas for new images, new stories, and new questions to pursue.
Happy New Year!
May yours be full of adventure, of beauty and joy. Keep exploring.
Mark Booysen
15 Jan 2019Hi Edin,
I am a first time visitor to your site and I really like the look… I am also in process of changing theme etc on my website..
I am an avid bird photographer and really looking forward to taking your PHD journey with you…