The field season is in full swing, keeping me almost too busy to think, let alone take photographs! Here’s a few snapshots from the past months, from visits to the Poor Knights, Mokohinau, and Maro Tiri (Chickens) islands…
korimako/bellbird painted with flax and Poor Knights lily – the plant it’s perching on – pollen on Tahiti Rahi, Poor KnightsCliffside gardens on Pokohinu/Burgess islandRhabdothamnus solandri in full flower on Mauimua/Lady Alice islandMokohinau gecko (I think…) My reptile ID skills are not fabulous, and these little guys are so variable!
And now for what I’ve been up to:
Perched on the rocks at one of my study sites “Prion Rocks” on Tawhiti Rahi! A daytime shot from when we were setting up, as all of our work happens at night and just before dawn. The tarp is there so we have shelter to work under if it starts raining (which it did a bit).Processing blood samples for physiology – harking back to my Master’s research, just with different species of seabird! Both photos by Chris Gaskin.