
We can never make the same image twice. The endless permutations of weather and light, of where birds fly, how the clouds darken and draw light across the landscape, all of these factors spin out into different, unique combinations. Things might look similar, but never the same. Every westerly wind we get brings somewhat predictable conditions that differ in their intensity. We had a lot of odd easterly winds during the early part of this trip, which brought low persistent mist. For weeks our visibility was constrained to immediate surroundings. When it lifted, the relief at being able to see a somewhat distant horizon was immense. Even with a low shifting blanket of thick cloud, seeing the contours of the island around us felt like emerging into a different world. The return of contrast, of light glowing through thinner layers of the mist, felt like learning to see again.


Seabird scientist and conservation photographer working in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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  1. Love your observations,

  2. Love your observations,

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