Tekapo Textures
What's most interesting about a landscape when you are in it? For me, it's all the little details, the textures that don't necessarily get picked up when you make a…
What's most interesting about a landscape when you are in it? For me, it's all the little details, the textures that don't necessarily get picked up when you make a…
I thought we'd take a break from the more focused blogs this week. To say I took a lot of photographs in Antarctica is an understatement. For an experience like…
The drive up to the Mt John Observatory is steep and winding, and seems to go on for much longer than it should. Once at the top, you're rewarded with…
Last week I talked about using (lots of) negative space to draw attention to the important parts of a photograph, and to give an impression of the environment. This week,…
Fantails are one of our ubiquitous native birds that are known for following people around. Friendly fantails don't really like us personally, but they do enjoy feeding on the insects…
After a stunning cruise through towering icebergs, we landed on Booth Island. A wide sweep of pristine snow curved up to the Gentoo colony on the hill. By this stage…
A more accurate title would be "moongazing", but stargazing sounds infinitely better. On the night of the eclipse we were in Tekapo - the best place in New Zealand to…
It was tempting to just take photos constantly on our Antarctica trip. Especially during zodiac cruises, surrounded by ice. And while those who were around me certainly thought I was…
Colonies of birds are a lot of fun to photograph - but it's sometimes difficult to know where to look! We passed this roost of White-fronted terns briefly while boating…
There's nothing like good old nature to make you feel miniscule. While we were in Antarctica I was constantly awed by the sheer scale of the landscape, the wide stretches…
I wrote a bit about composition a while back. In that post I lamented accidentally amputating parts of birds by not zooming out enough. In trying to diverge from just taking…
Our landing at Neko Harbour was probably one of my favourites. Not only were there fuzzy Gentoo chicks everywhere, but it involved a hike that gave us a stunning view…
My favourite thing about flying is looking out the window. I love seeing things from a different perspective. I don't usually get window-seats though, unfortunately! Flying south to Christchurch, I…
Skuas get a bad rap. People just don't like things that eat cute fluffy penguin chicks. But they do have fluffy chicks of their own to feed, and there's not…
We don't see Australasian Crested Grebes in the North Island. They're impressive waterbirds that look ridiculous on land because their legs are set very far back on their bodies! It…