Garden tūī
I've been getting distracted while working from home. It's feeling very springy and with the flowering karo there's a sudden influx of tūī rushing around and filling the garden with…
I've been getting distracted while working from home. It's feeling very springy and with the flowering karo there's a sudden influx of tūī rushing around and filling the garden with…
Nightlife on Aotearoa's predator-free islands is pretty special. While I'm often working all night with seabirds, I occasionally get some free time for a wander with my camera to check…
Happy Conservation Week! It's a time to celebrate all the great mahi that people all over Aotearoa do to protect our natural environment - our unique species and ecosystems that…
Karo - Pittosporum crassifolium It’s last light, golden fragments flung from scattered clouds in an icey blue sky painting the tallest reaches of a struggling karo tree that sits outside…
I get a real kick out of seeing these little birds. Brown quails are one of two introduced quail species in Aotearoa - originally from Australia, they have filled the…
Last week I started work on another part of my PhD project - monitoring the breeding success of little shearwaters. These wee birds are very cryptic. Unlike fluttering shearwaters, we…
This week I’m back in the field again - looking for little shearwaters! One of the highlights of working on the islands (apart from all the birds!) is the amazing…
I've been really enjoying playing with my 300mm f/4 PF recently, getting used to a non-zoom lens for bird photography. I've been lab-bound for a while, escaping on the weekends…
Come and sit with me in the tussock, looking out across the megaherb gardens on Campbell Island. Tuck down and nest in the golden grass, sheltered from the wind strafing…
I've been trying to nail a nice riroriro Grey warbler photograph recently. There's a pair that shows up every now and then in my sparse urban garden, foraging in the…
The dangers of plastics in our ecosystem is an issue that is becoming more mainstream knowledge. We've begun to realise that nothing that we throw 'away' truly vanishes - it…
I wrote a post recently about OOFFE (Out-of-focus foreground elements!) and how they can help remove distractions in cluttered images. A weekend trip to Ecology bush at Tāwharanui was the…
Leaving a harbour for the open sea can be daunting. We read forecasts and anticipate the swells and the wind, but experiencing the transition from stillwater to rolling ocean is…
Little zipping tūturuatu (Shore plover) are difficult to photograph in flight! They're very speedy wee birds. After spending a lot of time, and getting a lot of blurry images of…
In 2015, Enderby island was my first boots-on-ground subantarctic island experience. It was Christmas Day. I opted to see as much of the island as possible on a circumnavigatory hike…