Where has the time gone? Despite my best intentions, we're well into 2019 with very few blogs to show! Let's change that!
Where has the time gone? Despite my best intentions, we're well into 2019 with very few blogs to show! Let's change that!
In November, I woke to a thick duvet of snow on the ground. The Eglinton Valley was having its last gasps of winter, funnelling chill winds across Knobb's Flat, where…
Here's the story behind the photo - my finalist image in this year New Zealand Geographic Photographer of the Year Awards. I'm sitting on top of a cliff, looking west…
I've been much better at keeping the birdventure updated on instagram and twitter (check out #whosebutt for Whose butt is it anyway?! - a wee game I've started on twitter!)…
So far I've tripped down the West coast of the South Island as far as Greymouth, hopped across Arthur's Pass to Christchurch, and then down to the Mackenzie Country in…
Here's a few updates from the #birdventurenz ! I'm southbound with gusto - finally crossing the Cook Strait after spending the last few weeks around the North Island. The next…
Yesterday, Dad and I drove to Turangi and back. We were on the hunt for whio - Blue ducks. We've had a few Blue Duck Hunts in the past, but…
Kia ora! I'm back! Those of you following me on twitter will have noticed the beginning of a new adventure...all about birds. A Birdventure! For the next few months I'll…
It's another quick post from Edin, because damn am I all over the place right now! All going to plan I will return from the Australasian Ornithological Conference (and a…
Why do I take photos? Why do I carry around heavy, clunky gear to wild places, to be battered by the elements? Why do I then spend time sitting in…
I'm having real difficulty putting images and words together at the moment. It's a bit like 'Writer's Block' - except that I'm stuck with finding photographs as well! I have…
It's been a while since I went through my Antarctica photos. There are a few images from that trip that I'm really quite proud of - but there's plenty more…
I spend a lot of time on the Bridge when we're at sea. Usually I'm looking for birds, but I also really enjoyed using the Nikon 10.5mm fisheye on my…
It started with this photo: On New Year's day 2016, leaving Campbell Island, I made this image of a Campbell albatross with cloud-wreathed Campbell Island in the background. It ended…