Penguin Portraits
Last week I talked about using (lots of) negative space to draw attention to the important parts of a photograph, and to give an impression of the environment. This week,…
Last week I talked about using (lots of) negative space to draw attention to the important parts of a photograph, and to give an impression of the environment. This week,…
After a stunning cruise through towering icebergs, we landed on Booth Island. A wide sweep of pristine snow curved up to the Gentoo colony on the hill. By this stage…
It was tempting to just take photos constantly on our Antarctica trip. Especially during zodiac cruises, surrounded by ice. And while those who were around me certainly thought I was…
There's nothing like good old nature to make you feel miniscule. While we were in Antarctica I was constantly awed by the sheer scale of the landscape, the wide stretches…
Our landing at Neko Harbour was probably one of my favourites. Not only were there fuzzy Gentoo chicks everywhere, but it involved a hike that gave us a stunning view…
Skuas get a bad rap. People just don't like things that eat cute fluffy penguin chicks. But they do have fluffy chicks of their own to feed, and there's not…
All evening as we'd been eating dinner, Dad and I had been staring out the window as icebergs and behemoths of stone slipped past. We were headed for Deception Island,…
Mud, rain and guano. That was our first landing in Antarctica, at Hannah Point on Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands. The landing was wet on tumbled stone, and…
I get quite badly seasick. I was dreading crossing the notorious Drake Passage more than anything, so Dad and I had applied Scopoderm patches and taken supplementary medication before bed…
If you follow me on instagram (@edinzphoto), you'll have seen this photo already! We saw Chinstrap penguins the least (well, apart from the three Macaroni penguins at Hannah Point), but…
What a day. We hadn't even begun our true adventure yet, and both Dad and I agreed it had been one of the best days of our lives. After bussing…
A memory that is very clear for me is the sound of penguin footsteps - on snow, rock, mud - pattering along with an industrious determination. They seem so serious…
Let's start off the proper Antarctica blog posts with a trip-log! Here's an overview of what we did during our time on the expedition. Day 1: Buenos Aires After our…
Adelie penguins are my favourite brush-tailed (genus Pygoscelis) penguins - sorry Chinstraps and Gentoos! Of the three Pygoscelis species, they are the smallest and the only ones that toboggan along on their…
Next week we leave the tropics behind for colder climates! Dad and I wouldn't choose cities as a holiday destination. Our time in Buenos Aires was just a necessary step…