New Year, site update!
Buller's shearwater departing colony at dawn, Tawhiti Rahi, Poor Knights Islands

New Year, site update!

Ch-ch-ch-changes You'll notice some changes around here! I'm in the process of transforming this site from a photoblog to a platform on which I can share my life as both…

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2017 Highlights

This year has been dominated by my Master's research, but it has also been a fun year photographically. Although my usual adventures were limited, being involved in seabird research has…

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It's been busy. I've been doing the last lot of fieldwork for my Master's thesis. It's extremely nocturnal. I went to the Australasian Ornithological Conference in Geelong. I don't have…

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In 2016 I…

...took the first two landscape photos that I'm actually proud of:  Landscape photography is something of a struggle for me, and I usually end up frustrated in lacklustre images. These…

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