Like it says, I’ve just returned from a rather overwhelming trip with Dad to Antarctica, or to be more precise, the Antarctic Peninsula. And to be honest, I’m not yet sure how I feel about that. I’ve been struggling to answer the simple question of “How was your trip?”. It was a transformative experience, and I spent most of it in a state of euphoric disbelief that melted into belief as we woke each morning to different scenes, populated with vast icebergs and towering mountains rising out of the sea.
We were on the ship for ten days, but it felt substantially longer, and returning to civilisation has been quite difficult – for me at least.
I didn’t want to leave, so much so that I did briefly consider stowing away on the ship and trying to pass myself off as a naturalist/photographer (somewhat under-qualified, but I can learn on the job, right?).
The only thing I’m truly certain of at the moment is that I have over 16,500 photographs to go through to find the good ones, and that I will return. I think my ideal job is definitely a naturalist on board an expedition ship in Antarctica. So, blog posts will eventually begin to surface about the trip, starting with an overview of what we did. Please be patient with me as I work my way through sorting out all the images (while starting another year at University), and try to put this experience into words. If you have any questions, please ask and I will answer as best I can! I’ll leave you with a snippet from one of our expedition reports that captures some of how I feel upon returning:

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Kurien Yohannan
22 Feb 2015Awesome!!! Can’t wait to see more :)
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